Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
In general, whenever you see the Control key used on a PC you can substitute the Apple key if you're working on a Mac.  The Apple key is just to the left of the space bar on your keyboard.  It has a picture of an apple on one side and a little four-loop curly-cue thing on the other.

All the FM keyboard shortcuts appear opposite the functions in the menus.  But it's useful to have all the most common ones listed in one place.  The following list of Mac keyboard shortcuts corresponds to the list that appears in the Programming Tips and Tricks box on page 39 of the manual.  (Please note that the Print Task function [Apple Key-P] is not enabled in the Mac version.)

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Apple Key-S:  Saves current program.  (It's very important to save your work frequently as you program!)
Apple Key-I:  Inserts a blank line above highlighted line in Instruction list.
Apple Key-K:  Deletes highlighted line in Instruction list.
Apple Key-W:  Closes the active window. (Don't confuse with closing the current FM program;  use File menu for that.)
Apple Key-G:  "Go!"  (This is like clicking the Play button on the Toolbar.)
Apple Key-. :  "Stop!"  (This is like pushing the Stop button on the Toolbar.)
Apple Key-Q:  Quits FUNdaMENTAL.
Return Key:  Can be used instead of clicking the Use or Done buttons in FM interface.
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